Sunday, March 3, 2013

It's always a better day when Lily comes to work!

Saying hello to Joe today
 As the week wore on the crew started talking about the idea that it was Patrick's Sunday to work and everyone on the schedule for the day grew excited and looking forward to working. For a brief minute I mistakenly thought it was because they like to work with me and that Sundays had some how become a desirable day to work.
I was quickly reminded that what it really means is that when Patrick works on Sunday, so does Lily. She has this infectious way about her with her tail always wagging and her gentle way of sidling up next to them as she greets her co-workers for the day when they come in to work.
Soon that greeting is turned toward the customers that come in were she gets lots of love and I especially love to watch her meet the kids that come into the store with their parents. Even the most apprehensive child is soon pretty sure that she really wants to go home with them and that they have found a new best friend.

Over and over again on Sunday she is getting what she gives and that is a really genuine exchange of friendship with those that meet her. It has gotten so that on the Sundays that she is not working there are lots of questions as to why and when she will be in next. In fact during the week the question is raised over and over again about whether or not she will be in. Pretty amazing that her following has grown to be so big. It started as a one time trip to the store that was supposed to last an hour or two and is now something that people really look forward to. We may have to teach her how to sign autographs or something.
If you are out and about today and would like to come and say hi, I am sure she will win your heart too. Just look at her in the pictures, how could anyone resist?

Ps. If dogs make you nervous and would like us to move her away from you we understand completely and will give you plenty of room to shop without any problem at all. Just let us know that you are uncomfortable and we'll happily take her a safe distance away and she will not complain at all.

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