The holidays feel so far away but the truth is that they are right on top of us and I ask myself, Where has the year gone?
It seems that everyone we talk to is having a difficult believing that we are this deep into 2015 but here we are with Thanksgiving just a couple of weeks away, Christmas will be right behind and we will be saying goodbye to 2015 before you know it. I think the warmer weather is throwing us all off a bit but turning the clocks back and watching the sun set at what feels like mid day leaves no doubt. 2015 is fading fast.
The good news is that we are in store for the most wonderful time of the year filled with family, friends and good cheer. Soon we will watch our local highschool football teams take on the perennial rivals and the turkey will be carved soon after while we gather with our loved ones and bow our heads in thanks for all that we have.
So then will come the annual question from our customer to our staff...
What should I serve with thanksgiving dinner?
Each year we find some our newest "perfect pairings" for the feast and this year is no different. We will be recommending what we think are just the right wine or beers to help you celebrate. Some of you will be partial to a red, some to white and many will want a bit of each and almost everyone will get a few great beer selection for the pre-meal football games. Whatever your preference our staff is ready to help you to pick just the right things for your particular gathering.
A couple of words of advice as we get ready to help:
-Turkey will pair well with many wines. The important thing to remember is that you want something that matches well with the sides you are serving.
-Bubbles put people in a good and celebratory mood. Having a sparkling wine to help get things started is always a hit.
-There are lots of desserts at most thanksgiving dinners so consider a wonderful desert wine or cordial to serve when the sweets come out.
-2015 is being touted a spectacular vintage around the world. Many consumers have given up on Beaujolais Nouveau over the last decade but this year might just be the vintage to give them another chance. We will have a tasting featuring many of this years selections on Saturday November 21st from 1-4pm. Let's see if the critics are right.
On to the recommendations...

Lucien Albrecht Cremant D'alsace Brut Rosé $17.99
Canard Duchené Brut Champagne $29.99
2014 Cheveau Macon Fuisse $21.99
2013 Silvan Ridge Pinot Gris $17.99
2012 Lou Dumont Gevrey Chambertain $59.99
2012 Elizabeth Chambers Willamette Valley Pinot Noir $29.99
2013 Angeline Pinot Noir Reserve $14.99
2013 Seghesio Zinfandel Sonoma County $24.99
2012 Ondarre "Creator" Crianza $11.99
And the list goes on...
We look forward to seeing you in the coming days and weeks and we will do our best to make your celebration even better with carefully selected items suited to your particular needs.